Doubt about Reportviewer C#


Viewed 458 times


Good evening, I wonder if you have how to put a text in the report for example I am making a receipt and put a textbox and I would like to put everything in the same line for example I received from(o), nameRazao_cli, CPF bearer, cpf_cli, the importance of(value in full).

nameRazao_cli and cpf_cli are coming from the database.

This would be the case in the report: I received from(o), Maria Aparecida, carrier of CPF, 111.111.111-11, the importance of (twenty reals).


1 answer


You need to add an expression/formula. To concatenate the fields is simple. It would be something like this:

= "Recebi da(o), " & Fields!nomeRazao_cli.Value & ", portador do CPF," & Fields!cpf_cli.Value & ", a importância de " & Fields!vlExtenso.Value

Now the full value is something more complicated, I suggest you take a function, and run this function in the database:

select nomeRazao_cli, cpf_cli, fn_numeroExtenso(valor_recebido) as vlExtenso ...

The function code of the number in full is usually very large and I have nothing here at the moment, but I will leave links for you to base.

I could also do this function in C#, in case I don’t know how you’re taking the dice, if you’re playing a DataTable or IEnumerable<T> as source of report data, but regardless of that you could use this function, it would be something like this:

List<Recibo> recibos = repositorio.GetRecibos();
foreach(var recibo in recibos)
   recibo.vlExtenso = Funcoes.ValorPorExtenso(recibo.valor);
reportViewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dados", recibos));

Function links in full in SQL or C#

Reference to Report Viewer formulas: aspx

  • Friend Murilo thank you very much helped me in matter of the figures in full I have a class that does it,

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