How can I make a Table that shows me a Line at the beginning of each Group in a table To understand me better I’m putting down an image of how I need
Current Table
Table With Index
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed table-striped table-primary table-vertical-center checkboxs js-table-sortable">
<th class="center" style="width: 10px;">Imóvel</th>
<th style="width: 60px;">Inquilino</th>
<th style="width: 60px;">Inicio</th>
<th class="center"style="width: 50px;">Jan</th>
<th class="center"style="width: 50px;">Fev</th>
<th class="center"style="width: 50px;">Mar</th>
<th class="center"style="width: 50px;">Abr</th>
<th class="center"style="width: 50px;">Mai</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Jun</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Jul</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Ago</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Set</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Out</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Nov</th>
<th class="center" style="width: 50px;">Dez</th>
$busca = Sanitize::filter($_GET['consulta']);
$coluna = Sanitize::filter($_GET['coluna']);
$ano2 = Sanitize::filter($_GET['ano']);
$data = Sanitize::filter($_GET['data']);
$status = Sanitize::filter($_GET['status']);
$consulta2 = Sanitize::filter($_GET['consulta']);
$filtro = "YEAR(f.vencimento) = $ano2 AND f.status = '$status' ";
$sql = "SELECT f.*,i.*,n.*,q.*,
q.nome AS nomecli,
n.nome AS nomeimo,
f.valor AS valor_fixado,
f.vencimento AS ven,
f.status AS sta,
f.iptu AS iptuf,
f.rateio AS rateiof,
f.total AS totalf,
f.cb AS cbf FROM finan AS f
LEFT JOIN imoveis AS i
ON i.id_unidade = f.id_imovel
LEFT JOIN nome_imoveis AS n
ON n.id_imovel_principal = i.id_imovel
LEFT JOIN inquilino AS q
ON q.id_cli = i.id_inquilino
where YEAR(f.vencimento) = $ano group by f.id_imovel ORDER by nomeimo ASC, unidade DESC";
// Executa a consulta
$query = mysql_query($sql);
// ============================================
// Começa a exibição dos resultados
while ($linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$id_finan = $linha['id_finan'];
$nomeimo = $linha['nomeimo'];
$nomecli = $linha['nomecli'];
$unidade = $linha['unidade'];
$id_imovel = $linha['id_unidade'];
<input type="hidden" name="acao" value="up" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?echo $id?>" />
<tr class="selectable" >
<td ><?echo $unidade?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $nomecli?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $start?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $jan?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $fev?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $mar?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $abr?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $mai?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $jun?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $jul?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $ago?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $set?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $out?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $nov?></td>
<td class="important"><?echo $dez?></td>
Post the PHP code you are also using.
– Alisson Acioli
put him right now
– Fabio Henrique