Timeout Httpwebrequest Second time


Viewed 72 times


public static bool Sinc(int v, out List<Ma> x)

                XmlDocument urlData = new XmlDocument();
                HttpWebRequest rq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("" + v;

                rq.Timeout = 30000;

                HttpWebResponse response = rq.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

                using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(responseStream);

                XmlNodeList companyList = urlData.GetElementsByTagName("VP");
                List<Ma> z = new List<Ma>();
                foreach (XmlNode node in companyList)

                if (z.Count != 0)
                    x = z;
                    return true;
                    x = z;
                    return false;
                x = null;
                return false;

I use this function to get data from mine WEBSERVICE, when I use it the first time works without any kind of problem. When I use it the second time gives me error timeout, exits the application and goes back and forth correctly. Does anyone know what might be?

1 answer


Try to use your GetResponse within a block usign

something like that:

using (WebResponse response = rq.GetResponse())
    using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(responseStream);
    //... o que mais for fazer utilizando ainda o response

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