What do the two dots in a row (.) mean in a file path?


Viewed 981 times


I still don’t understand what this means. Why should I put these two points?

Example: ..\Images/Logo.png

  • 5

    Most of the time, it’s best to avoid the .. in production environment, unless your project needs to be hosted at different levels depending on the situation (if it is a separate application from the main website, relative paths help in "portability" between folders). The .. is relative to the current directory. Start with /caminho/desde/raiz, files will always be searched in the same folder.

3 answers


Imagine you’re in a structure like this:


That is, at the root of the project have the css folders, Images, Scripts, etc.
If you want the.css style file to access the Logo.png file that is in another folder, the two dots in a row (..) makes the reference to the above css folder (/) and then Images.

If you use "Images/Logo.png" css, it means that the "Images" folder should be inside the current folder, which is CSS, the style.css file folder..

I hope you were able to explain.



If you are inside the CSS folder using the file style.css and want to access an image that is in a folder at the same level of the CSS folder you do:


.. means come back a folder or a level.

../../ back to Project folder, or the root, depending on its structure.

  • 1

    I get it. Thank you!


The denotation .. moves up a folder level.

For example: Your image, Logo.png, is in the folder Images and your arquivo.css in the briefcase CSS. You use the two dots to "get" to the folder Images.

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