Compare day and month of a date?


Viewed 996 times


In the Mysql I have saved a person’s birth date, I need to assemble a query that return me the birthday of the week, those who make today’s birthday to today + 7 days.

I’m trying like this:

//Metodo da tela de listagem
public function birthdayDeed()
    // construtor de query
    $criteria = CriteriaBuilder::create()
    // seleciono a tabela
    // adiciono uma condição da data ser maior ou igual a de hoje
        ->_and('birth', '>=', date('Y-m-d', time()))
    // E se data for menor ou igual daqui a 7 dias
        ->_and('birth', '<=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+7 days"))); 

        ->title( Language::get('client', 't-birthday') )
        ->view('client', 'list')
        ->attr('clients', $this->toArray( (new Client())->debug()->listAll(null, $criteria) ))

Which results in the query:

'SELECT * FROM  clients   WHERE birth >=  :birth  AND birth <= :birth1;'

I know where the error is occurring, I’m also comparing the year, so would be for example:

birth: 1996-10-30
condição: 1996-10-30 >= 2016-10-28 AND 1996-10-30 <= 2016-11-04

Soon I would never enter this condition, I need to know how to compare only the day and month, someone could help?

  • In mysql use the function day() and month() to compare specific pieces of a date.

  • 1

    I’d like to know that CriteriaBuilder is a package, or is it from some framework, if you can say! thank you.

  • @Virgilionovic is from a microframework I did to do my projects, I have it on Github, but it’s incomplete, missing some commits with bug fixes:

  • @Very cool ivcs I’ll take a look

3 answers


Make the comparison by extracting the right bits (day and month) of the date, in mysql you can use the functions day() and month().

Your code should look like this:

->_and('day(birth)', '>=', date('d'))
->_and('day(birth)', '<=', date('d', strtotime("+7 days"))
->_and('month(birth)', '=', date('m')
  • It worked partially, but I only have to change the concept of logic a little, because at the end of the month, as today, it would be: if dia >= 28 AND dia <= 04, but just make some adjustments. Thank you there!!

  • @True lvcs, I’ll fix soon change the answer.


With the answers, I could understand more and research a little more on the subject, I found a solution joining a series of similar questions:

     DATE_FORMAT(birth,'%m-%d') >= DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%m-%d') AND
     DATE_FORMAT(birth,'%m-%d') <= DATE_FORMAT(NOW() + INTERVAL 7 DAY,'%m-%d')


FROM table
WHERE birth between date_add(updated_at, interval year(now())-year(updated_at) year) and
                    date_add( date_add(updated_at, interval year(now())-year(updated_at) year) , interval 7 day)

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