Pagination x de y for Danfe in Report Viewer


Viewed 329 times


Would anyone know how to make this pagination as in the photo example below? This paging is easily done in the header or footer of the Report Viewer, but apparently the pagination is in the body of the report.

If anyone knows how to do it, or indicates if I’m not on track for the technology I’m using, I’m grateful!!!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


I’m developing for Nfe too, I believe this part of DANFE is in the header(header) of the report yes. In the Nfe contributor manual in item 7.5 (page 140) it talks about additional sheets and these fields you mentioned should be repeated on all sheets if your DANFE has more than one sheet. Soon the ideal and leave these fields in the header of the report, however you will find another problem, with the header implanted in the other sheets the LEFTY will appear on all pages and we want it to appear only in the first.

to solve the lefty problem --- Finally the solution: For the LEFTY to appear only on the first page just you select the textbox’s of the left-hander and in the HIDDEN property put the following code:

=IIF(Globals!PageNumber = 1,False,True)

Stormwind thanks for the tip in editing my reply, I think so was clearer. I hope it helps other people.

  • Don’t get it, are you the owner of the question? Or did he tell you that the problem was solved like this? And why do you have two answers? It would not be better [Dit] your reply and insert the information of both in a single reply?

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