How to write a List schema in python Eve


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Hello. I am writing a schema and need to understand how to make a list using the Python Eve and Cerberus. Currently I write how the documentation teaches me:

'datasources': {'type': 'list', 'schema':{'type':'string'}}

But when I try to send a POST with a list for this parameter I keep getting

"datasources": "must be of list type".

I have tried sending in the following ways:

'teste1,teste2', [teste1,teste2], ['teste1','teste2'], '[teste1,teste2]'. But none of these are accepted. Not even using the example given in the Cerberus link can I send a list. Any idea why? Thanks

  • The correct way is: ['valor1', 'valor2']. What you should look at is whether what you’re really trying to validate is actually a list, or a string that represents a list. If you are receiving a value through POST, it will probably not be a list, but a string. In that case, you’ll have to convert to the list. To confirm my hypothesis, take the "list"that you are receiving via POST, and test by the following command: print(type(lista)). The correct value of this output to function properly should be <type 'list'>

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