Angular JS Difference for Nodejs


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What Angular JS Difference for Nodejs?

Which is most used?

Is there any tutorial that you recommend to those who are starting to teach a CRUD in each of them?

  • 2

    What is the difference between an elephant and a grasshopper? They are two very different things.

  • 5

    The question does not seem to me to have any sense, both technologies have nothing to be, the question will not help anyone, it seems lack of a previous search, it is almost the same as I ask what difference of HTML and PHP.

1 answer



It is a Javascript code interpreter that works on the server side. Its goal is to help programmers create high-scalability applications (such as a web server), with code capable of manipulating tens of thousands of simultaneous connections, on a single physical machine. Node.js is based on the V8 Javascript Engine interpreter (open source Javascript interpreter implemented by Google in C++ and used by Chrome). It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, and its development is maintained by the company Joyent, where Dahl works.


Angularjs is an open-source Javascript framework that runs on the client(browser) side, maintained by Google, which assists in executing single-page Applications. Its goal is to increase applications that can be accessed by a web browser, was built under the model-view-view-model (MVVM) in an effort to facilitate both the development and testing of applications.

The library reads the HTML that contains special tags and then executes the directive in which this tag belongs, and makes the link between the presentation and its model, represented by common Javascript variables. The value of these Javascript variables can be set manually, either via a static or dynamic JSON resource.

In short, Angularjs is a framework for frontend development and Nodejs is for backend development, and the two use Javascript as a programming language.

Sources: Angularjs & Nodejs

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