Find the first tag after a class name and change it with jquery


Viewed 87 times


I’d like to identify the first class='active' in my html and after adding a value in the element class <ul> but only the first <ul>


    <aside class="navigation">
                <ul class="nav teste-nav">
                    <li class="active">     //AQui primeiro active
                        <a href="#categoria1" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                            Cat. 01<span class="sub-nav-icon"> <i class="stroke-arrow"></i> </span>
//mudar essa ul
                        <ul id="categoria1" class="nav nav-second collapse in">
                            <li><a href="#"> Países</a></li>
                            <li class="active"><a href="#"> Estados</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Cidades</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Bairros</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Logradouros</a></li>
                    <li class="">
                        <a href="#categoria2" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
                            Cat 02<span class="sub-nav-icon"> <i class="stroke-arrow"></i> </span>
                        <ul id="categoria2" class="nav nav-second collapse">
                            <li><a href="#"> Países</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#> Estados</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Cidades</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Bairros</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#"> Logradouros</a></li>

I would like to with jquery identify the first li classy active and when identifying to change the class of the a href for nav nav-second collapse in

I’m trying to do like this:

$(".active").after(function () {

but it puts the 'in' in all the following ul.

tried as well:




But does not add in.

  • $('.active ul:first').toggleClass("in"); What you need?

1 answer


Try it this way:

$(".active").after(function () {

Can do direct too:

$('.active ul:first').toggleClass('in');
  • worked only the second option...valeu

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