How to dynamically initialize a Select2 in Angularjs


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Hello guys I am using the plugin of Select2 in my project. I need to create several selects2 dynamically, by angular. I have an object array (with id, name) and accurate from an event, in a function generate a select for each object, and can differentiate the key by id. Can someone help me?


angular.forEach(camada.filtros, function (filtro)
            var s = "select_multiple";
            $('#myModalBody').on('DOMNodeInserted', s, function () {


<div class="modal-body" id="myModalBody" ng-repeat="filtro in filtros"> 
                        <select class="select_multiple" id="select_multiple{{}}" multiple="multiple" style="width: 400px;" ng-model="filtrosCamadasSelecionadas" >

The code above isn’t working, it’s just a part of getting an idea. I tried to use it with idea in some links I saw, but I got nothing yet.

  • You can put an example of what is in the filter object?

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