My environment is Tomcat7 and I am using Java 1.8, Windows 10 and I am using a PDF Reader to test the print. My user is a machine administrator.
I am trying to send a PDF for printing, but this PDF is not printed. When the print request arrives in the queue, it is in Spooling state eternally with blank size.
Printing works if I start Tomcat7 from CMD, if I use services.Msc or Tomcatw printing doesn’t work. The difference between the two is the initialization of the user profile in the CMD log Tomcat7 loads C: WINDOWS system32 config systemprofile.dnx bin and log using services.Msc C: Users MY_USER.dnx bin
I found that this means permission issues for the print queue, but I can’t find a specific reason why my machine administrator can’t print. Things I’ve tried to solve the problem:
- Run Tomcat7 using the Logon option with an Administrator account (including Network Administrator)
- Enable "Allow service to Interact with desktop"
- Disable Firewall/ Antivirus
- Start Tomcat7w with administrator privileges for all users.
- Add machine user to 'Log on as service' using gpedit
- Change the Java version to 7.
- Install/ Uninstall the Tomcat service using a user with Administrator privileges.
- Clear Tomcat7 Registration Key (HKEY)
I’ve looked in the ONLY in English and through the web, none of the solutions found worked.
Code I’m using for printing: Using Pdfbox to load the PDF.
PDDocument pdDoc = PDDocument.load(pdfFile);
PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
job.setJobName("The System Job");
job.setPageable(new PDFPageable(pdDoc));
I found a solution using Printservice to create Printerjob and it still didn’t work.
service.createPrintJob().print(pdDoc, null);
Does anyone have any solution to the problem?