Javascript search


Viewed 881 times


I have a search system that presents the problem: - Returns all values of a list, when deleted element from the search field, expected to return only the initial elements, not all. This is the search function I’m using:

$scope.$watch('q', function (newValue, oldValue) {
        if (oldValue != null) {
        $http.get('/api/services.json?q=' + newValue)
          .success(function (data) {
              $ = data;
      if (oldValue == null){
          $http.get('/api/services.json?q=' + oldValue)
            .success(function (data) {
              $ = data;

    }, true);
  • 2

    The most indicated in this case, would be in the server-side you limit the amount of results when the parameter is null or empty.

  • I can do that for the controller?

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1 answer


The ideal would be for you to filter your search on the server to not consume resource. But if you want to limit the number of records on AngularJS you can use the filter limitTo:


Creates a new array or string containing only the specified number of elements. The elements are taken from the beginning or end of the array groundwork, string or number, as specified by the value and sign (positive or negative) of the limit.

The use is made by:


{{ limitTo_expression | limitTo : limit : begin}}


$filter('limitTo')(input, limit, begin)

In your example it would be

$ = $filter('limitTo')(data, 5, 0);

Functional example:

(function() {
  'use strict';

    .module('appExemploLimitado', []);

    .controller('LimiteController', LimiteController);

  LimiteController.$inject = ['$filter'];

  function LimiteController($filter) {
    var limite = this;
    function iniciar() {
      limite.registros = [];
      limite.registros.push('Registro 1');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 2');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 3');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 4');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 5');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 6');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 7');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 8');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 9');
      limite.registros.push('Registro 10');

      limite.maximo = 5;
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div ng-app="appExemploLimitado">
  <div ng-controller="LimiteController as limite">
    Máximo de registros: <input type="number" name="input" ng-model="limite.maximo" min="1" max="10" required>
    <div ng-repeat="registro in limite.registros | limitTo:limite.maximo:0">

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