How to remove an object from a Hasmanytomany relationship?


Viewed 62 times


I have 2 entities that relate: Entities Empresa and FormaPagamento many companies may have many forms of payment, to save this working well but now I want to remove the forms of payment that the company owns and I’m not getting.

How to do this ?


public class EmpresaMap : ClassMap<Empresa> {
    public EmpresaMap() {
        Id(e =>;
        Map(e => e.razaoSocial).Not.Nullable().Length(255);
        Map(e => e.nomeFantasia).Length(255);
        Map(e => e.cnpj).Not.Nullable().Length(18); //22.222.222/0001-00
        Map(e => e.inscEstadual).Length(255);
        Map(e => e.telefone).Not.Nullable().Length(14); //(17)98156-8355
        Map(e => e.isAberta);
        Map(e => e.imagem); 

        Component(e => e.endereco,  e => {
                                    e.Map(c => c.endereco);
                                    e.Map(c => c.numero).CustomType<int>();
                                    e.Map(c => c.bairro);
                                    e.Map(c => c.complemento);
                                    e.Map(c => c.cidade);
                                    e.Map(c => c.cep);
                                    e.Map(c => c.uf).CustomType<GenericEnumMapper<EstadosBrasil>>();

        References<Usuario>(e => e.usuario).Column("usuario_id");
        HasManyToMany<FormaPagamento>(e => e.formasPagto)


public class FormaPagamentoMap : ClassMap<FormaPagamento> {
    public FormaPagamentoMap(){
        Id(fp =>;
        Map(fp => fp.descricao).Not.Nullable().Unique().Length(50);

        HasManyToMany<Empresa>(fp => fp.empresas)


To remove the form of payment from the company I am trying so.

/// <summary>
        /// Remove a forma de pagamento da empresa
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idEmp">ID da empresa</param>
        /// <param name="idFPG">ID da forma pagamento</param>
        /// <returns>JSON result</returns>
        public JsonResult deleteFormaPagto(long idEmp, long idFPG){
                Empresa empresa = dao.findObject(idEmp);
                FormaPagamento fp = fpDAO.findObject(idFPG);

                Boolean isDeleted = fpDAO.delete(fp);
                if (isDeleted){
                    jsonResposta.Add("status", "1");
                    jsonResposta.Add("msg", "Forma de pagamento removida com sucesso.");
                    jsonResposta.Add("status", "0");
                    jsonResposta.Add("msg", "Erro tentando remover forma de pagamento.");
            }catch (Exception e){
                jsonResposta.Add("status", "0");
                jsonResposta.Add("msg", e.Message);
            return Json(jsonResposta);

1 answer


Solved. I just removed the list item and updated it. Like the mapping this SaveUpdate() already does automatically.

Stayed like this.

/// <summary>
        /// Delete formapagamento da empresa
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="idEmp">ID empresa</param>
        /// <param name="idFPG">ID formapagamento</param>
        /// <returns>JSON result</returns>
        public JsonResult deleteFormaPagto(long idEmp, long idFPG){
                Empresa empresa = dao.findObject(idEmp);
                FormaPagamento fp = empresa.formasPagto.SingleOrDefault(fpg => == idFPG);                

                Boolean isDeleted = dao.update(empresa);
                if (isDeleted){
                    jsonResposta.Add("status", "1");
                    jsonResposta.Add("msg", "Forma de pagamento removida com sucesso.");
                    jsonResposta.Add("status", "0");
                    jsonResposta.Add("msg", "Erro tentando remover forma de pagamento.");
            }catch (Exception e){
                jsonResposta.Add("status", "0");
                jsonResposta.Add("msg", e.Message);
            return Json(jsonResposta);

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