Format data dd/mm/yyyy in a jquery


Viewed 881 times


How I format that date 2016-10-23T20:30:01.017 in one in the Brazilian format dd/mm/yyyy ?


This relevant snippet of the code is where I populate the object that is in the ok format: dd/mm/yyyyyy hh:mm:ss:

List<Cliente> lTotalClienteAux = _IRepositorio.ListarCliente().ToList();

                List<Cliente> lTotalCliente = new List<Cliente>();
                foreach (var item in lTotalClienteAux)
                    Cliente oCliente = new Cliente();
                    oCliente.ClienteID = item.ClienteID;
                    oCliente.DataCadastro = item.DataCadastro;                       

View When you click here in the View the format changes to: 2016-10-24T20:35:13.617

      "mRender": function (data, type, full) {
      var dt = full['DataCadastro'];
      return '<td>' + dt + '</td>';

web config. On the web.config I have this tag indicating the culture:

    <globalization uiCulture="pt-BR" culture="pt-BR" enableClientBasedCulture="true" />

2 answers


You can do it that way.

var data = new Date("2016-10-23T20:30:01.017");
var dia = data.getDate();
var mes = data.getMonth();
var ano = data.getFullYear();

document.write(dia + '/' + mes + '/' + ano);


  • Your solution even works and shows the formatted date, but I’ve been searching and accurate tipar this column as type "Datetime` to sort.


Serialize the data to already in the correct format instead of using javascript to format the date. Deliver the data already ready.

In this line: oCliente.DataCadastro = item.DataCadastro;

You must do: oCliente.DataCadastro = item.DataCadastro.ToShortDateString();

The Dataregistration property of the Client class must be a string. If Client was a domain object, you must create a view model for your screen, in this case, Clienteviewmodel and in this view model, Datacadastro will be a string.

  • in the controller’s return method Jsonresult is already serealized: {23/10/2016 20:30:01}.

  • So where is the 2016-10-23T20:30:01.017 coming from that you mentioned in the question? Also, if your object being serialized is has a Datetime property, you must return a string instead of Datetime. Ai when building your object, you can put something like Campodate = Datetime.Now.Toshortdatestring(). This Toshortdatestring method already returns in the culture format configured in the application.

  • Or you can do a Datetime.Now.Tostring("dd/MM/yyyy")

  • This Date comes from the Sql Server database I edited the question to improve understanding. When I populate the object in Controller the format is ok, but in View loads in another format, initially in mRender I thought something like return ´'<td>' + dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + '</td>'; , but it doesn’t work and I’m wondering if it’s some configuration in itself

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