Is there any way to save edits made in the Inspect element?


Viewed 11,856 times


Well, as the question says, is there any way I can save locally in my browser the changes made in inspect element?. So that every time I go to that site, it’s edited like I did?

The preferred browser would be Google Chrome.

Thank you.

  • does not exist as the inspect element you edit the html executed by your browser . q vc can do is to save the edited offline html page and access it from it.

  • The "Inspect element" tool is for web developers, so they can inspect your site and make changes in real time. Unfortunately you cannot save the changes made with the Element Inspector. :(

1 answer


Yes Gonçalo you can save everything done by Chrome Devtools right to your folders. Simply add path of its project in the WorkSpace Chrome and authorize the browser to save directly to the directory.

Follow partial text taken directly from official Chrome documentation:

Add local source files to the workspace

To make editable source files from a local folder in the Sources panel:

  1. Right-click on the left pane.
  2. Select Add Folder to Workspace.
  3. Choose the location of the local folder you want to map.
  4. Click on Allow to give Chrome access to the folder.

Add folder to workspace: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Typically, the local folder contains the original site source files that were used to fill the server with site data. If you do not want to change these original files by working space, make a copy of the folder and specify it as the workspace folder.

Organize persistent changes

You have already mapped your local folder to the workspace, but the browser is still providing the folder’s network contents. To organize persistent changes automatically in the browser, simply paste local files from the folder into a URL:

  1. Right-click or hold Ctrl and click a file in the left pane of Sources.
  2. Choosing Map to File System Resource.
  3. Select the local file in the persistent workspace.
  4. Reload the page in Chrome.

Map file to URL: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After that, Chrome loads the mapped URL, displaying the contents of the workspace instead of the network content. Work directly in local files without repeatedly switching between Chrome and an external editor.

In the link cited above you have more information

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