How to put a link in a background-image?


Viewed 10,202 times


I have a div that has these characteristics:

 background-image: url(minhaimagem.png);

The image that this is is a centralized circle, with the transparent background. So in my html I put for the div be a link, this way:

<a href="proximapagina.html"><div id=circulo>...conteudo...</div></a>

Only the clickable area was, as expected, in the whole square of the image. It has to make the clickable area only the internal circle??

1 answer


Option 1

Put a border-radius on the link:

   border-radius: 50%

Note: The dotted area is the "clickable area" of anchovy


a div {
  width: 120px;
  height: 120px;
  background: #09f;
  border-radius: 50%;
  line-height: 120px;
  text-align: center;
  display: inline-block;
  border: 1px dashed #333;   
  padding: 4px;
  width: auto;
} {
  border-radius: 50%;
<h2>Sem o border-radius no link</h2>
<a class="sem" href="proximapagina.html">
  <div id=circulo>...conteudo...</div>


<h2>Com o border-radius no link</h2>
<a class="com" href="proximapagina.html">
  <div id=circulo>...conteudo...</div>

Option 2

Use a map:

<img src="" usemap="#Map" />
<map name="Map">
    <area alt="" title="" href="#" shape="poly" coords="146,154,124,150,103,136,91,115,88,88,96,66,110,51,129,40,154,39,176,48,188,56,199,72,204,97,200,118,188,136,167,150,122" />

In the above case I created a Shape with the coordinates corresponding to the circle present in the flag of Japan. There is also the option shape="circle", but this you can explore more in depth.

It is applied to images and, although the creation may seem complicated, there are some applications for it, such as Dreamweaver itself and websites like this.

  • Could only a display: block; solve?

  • @taiar, the display: inline-block; it was just to adjust the size of the link to its content, but if the author prefers, he can put a display: block, and set the size in the link itself, instead of in the content, as in this example

  • Hello, I used the border-Radius as you said and it worked, (in part) because now there are some areas of my page that have become like a random "clickable area" without being there. How to solve?

  • @Nicolasschinestzki, you applied the style directly on the dial to a, if it was, it should apply to something more restricted, like a class, otherwise the styles will go to all links. Otherwise, it may be more specific?

  • 1

    I just saw that the error was totally senseless.. But the border-Radius worked even! Thanks

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