How to add an image in the menu?


Viewed 170 times


I need to add an image to the menu of my program in Python. I am using the wxpython library. The menu is like this:

The code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import wx

class Frame(wx.Frame):
    title = "SEA"
    def __init__(self):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title=self.title, size=(800, 600))
        self.panel1 = wx.Panel(self, -1)

    def createMainPanel(self, color=(0, 0, 0)):
        panel = wx.Panel(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=(0, 0), size=self.GetSize())

class App(wx.App):
    def OnInit(self):
        self.mainScreen = Frame()

        return True  

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = App(False)

I want to add the following image in the menu, at the top, aligned to the center, which is this:

Can someone help me with that? I’ve been doing my research all day and I couldn’t. It would be better if it were with picture buttons, because I will need to add others later.

1 answer


See if this passage helps you:

self.bitmap = wx.Bitmap('imagem.jpg')
        wx.EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)


    def OnPaint(self, event):
        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
        dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 60, 20)

I pulled out of that here looks good...

Vlw I hope it helps

Something is going on...

  • worked, the problem was the gray background I put, was capping the image. Thank you!

  • @Ivoqueiroz if any of the answers is correct, could validate it by clicking on the green icon below the evaluation arrows... Vlw...

  • thanks! you know how I can position this image in the menu?

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