How to return Datasnap Server image and show in browser


Viewed 650 times


I developed an application made in Web Service REST, where the data is consumed at each client request, everything works perfectly, I created the Web Service REST from the DataSnap REST Application, with this becomes available a form to determine the port I will use, but I had to migrate this application to a Serviço, the return of the image did not work with the same function that I use in the application of Web Service REST, I can return the image in png/jpeg. I created this service from DataSnap Server, including the library JavaScript. I will post the source of how to return the image on Web Service REST:

oFileStream:= TFileStream.Create(sCaminho, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
  if oFileStream.Size > 0 then
    SetLength(Result, oFileStream.Size);
    oFileStream.Read(Pointer(Result)^, oFileStream.Size);

s := CarregarImagem(sCaminho);
GetInvocationMetadata(True).ResponseContentType := 'image/png';
GetInvocationMetadata(True).ResponseCode := 200;
GetInvocationMetadata(True).ResponseContent := s;
GetInvocationMetadata(True).CloseSession    := True;

I hope I made myself clear. Hugs!

  • 1

    From what I’ve seen you’re not working with Encode64. Try to encrypt the image and make a client to decode.

  • @Andrey, I’ll do it, thanks for the tip

  • @Andrey, I managed to solve converting the image to Base64 and tested in the Postman application, I will use Base64 because it is the standard when sending images to the customer read and view.

2 answers


Usually in the transmission of images via REST, is used to base64 to encrypt the image. Transmission in base64 is much lighter as it does not store information on cache.


I have a question about this topic. I have the following code working on the XE8:

foto := 'teste.jpg';

  if  FileExists(foto) then

    lStm := TStringStream.Create;

    GetInvocationMetadata().ResponseContentType := 'image/jpeg';
    GetInvocationMetadata().ResponseContent := lStm.DataString;;

this generates the following image:

Código funcionando perfeitamente no XE8

I also noticed that the Content Type generated is

ContentType (via postman)

However, in Tokyo 10.2, the same code generates the following image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui And the following content type inserir a descrição da imagem aqui Why does the same code not work in newer Delphi ? Is it a BUG of the new version? Or you have to pass some more parameter so that it format the image well ?

I tried to do the following on Tokyo 10.2 to "force" get the same contenttype that was sent on XE8, but to no avail:

GetInvocationMetadata().ResponseContentType := 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1, image/jpeg';

como podem ver, ele não pega o image/jpeg

Someone’s been through this trouble ?

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