I can’t log on to Heroku


Viewed 426 times


I installed Toolbelt in windows 7 and when I went to login gave this message;

wlady@wlady-PC MINGW32 ~/workspace/backup/wladimir (master)
$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: [email protected]
Password (typing will be hidden):
 !    Login is currently incompatible with git bash/cygwin
 !    In the meantime, login via cmd.exe
 !    https://github.com/heroku/cli/issues/84

wlady@wlady-PC MINGW32 ~/workspace/backup/wladimir (master)

I’ve researched if it was environment variable to set up, but I don’t think that’s it, someone has a suggestion?

my login email is this same.

  • the error message is: at the moment it is incompatible to log in via Cygwin use cmd. You tried to use cmd?

  • I tried, it does not recognize as valid command.

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