npm install -g angular-cli shows error


Viewed 2,538 times


Before I was presenting a message that git couldn’t be found, so I reinstalled, fixed the PATH, but now it presents another error message, someone can suggest me what to do?

Binary is fine; exiting.
C:\Users\Rafael\AppData\Roaming\npm\ng -> C:\Users\Rafael\AppData\Roaming\npm\no
npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\
node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "angular-cli"
npm ERR! node v4.6.0
npm ERR! npm  v2.15.9

npm ERR! peerinvalid The package @angular/[email protected] does not satisfy its si
blings' peerDependencies requirements!
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/[email protected] wants @angular/compiler@2.
npm ERR! peerinvalid Peer @angular/[email protected] wants @angular/compiler

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\Windows\system32\npm-debug.log

Contents of the npm-debug file (only the final part):

276789 info install [email protected] 276790 info postinstall [email protected] 276791 verbose Unlock done using C: Users Rafael Appdata Roaming npm-cache_locks angular-cli-a36e756331c108c0.lock for C: Users Rafael Appdata Roaming npm node_modules angular-cli 276792 verbose validateInstall loading C: Users Rafael Appdata Roaming npm package.json for validation 276793 verbose stack Error: The package @angular/[email protected] does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies Requirements! 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm lib install.js:125:32 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm lib install.js:268:7 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules read-installed read-installed.js:142:5 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules read-installed read-installed.js:263:14 276793 verbose stack at cb (C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules slide lib async-map.js:47:24) 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules read-installed read-installed.js:263:14 276793 verbose stack at cb (C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules slide lib async-map.js:47:24) 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules read-installed read-installed.js:263:14 276793 verbose stack at cb (C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules slide lib async-map.js:47:24) 276793 verbose stack at C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm node_modules read-installed read-installed.js:263:14 276794 verbose cwd C: Windows system32 276795 error Windows_nt 6.1.7601 276796 error argv "C: Program Files nodejs Node.exe" "C: Program Files nodejs node_modules npm bin npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "angular-cli" 276797 error Node v4.6.0 276798 error npm v2.15.9 276799 error code EPEERINVALID 276800 error peerinvalid The package @angular/[email protected] does not satisfy its siblings' peerDependencies Requirements! 276800 error peerinvalid Peer @angular/[email protected] wants @angular/[email protected] 276800 error peerinvalid Peer @angular/[email protected] wants @angular/[email protected] 276801 verbose Exit [ 1, true ]

  • Could post the contents of that file : C: Windows system32 npm-debug.log or it is the same as the error shown ?

  • As requested @otaciojb I edited the question and added the contents of the file.

  • See if this resolves:

1 answer


peerInvalid is an error of package inconsistency. It can be fixed by deleting the folder node_modules and running npm update, which should solve the problem as npm will download the updated packages.

If the problem is caused by a global package, run npm update -g.

  • I did as you said @Gabriel-Antunes but the error persists [link][/link]


  • Oops! Spin it npm update -g to fix problems in global packages.

  • I tried that too, but did not succeed at the time, I’m trying to remember how I solved to 'close this case''.

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