Insert data into a real-time text box with Timer


Viewed 207 times


I’m using timer as follows:

System.Timers.Timer aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
aTimer.Interval = 1000;
aTimer.Enabled = true;

In the method OnTimedEvent I’ll tell you what:

var auditoria = auditoriaBll.Retorna_Auditoria();

foreach (var item in auditoria)
    //menu e sub menu (categorias)
    if (item.Tabela.Equals("menus")) 
        txtRelatorio.Text = andamento;

The following error happens:

Invalid threaded operation: txtRelatory control accessed from a thread that is not the one in which it was created.

1 answer


Basically, you can only access elements created in thread within this same thread. To solve, you need to use the method Invoke

var auditoria = auditoriaBll.Retorna_Auditoria();

foreach (var item in auditoria)
    //menu e sub menu (categorias)
    if (item.Tabela.Equals("menus")) 
        this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => txtRelatorio.Text = andamento));
  • this Invoke method is a delegate type? if it is, I have to create?

  • Method Invoke is of class Control (see in the documentation, I Linkei in the reply). The method receives a delegate, but I did it with a lambda expression because it’s much simpler.

  • ;The following error appears: Severity Code Description Project Error CS1660 Cannot Convert lambda Expression to type 'Delegate' because it is not a delegate type

  • I’ve already edited the answer... In fact, I was going to get better to give you some tips, but your question is duplicated.

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