Using only knockoutJs and jQuery can replace the durandalJs?


Viewed 94 times


Good morning, you guys, First, I worked on a very large project using Urandal, this project was cutting-edge technology in web, durandaljs, Gulp, Entity framework 6 mvc 5 webapi2 and etc

now the opportunity has arisen to make a similar one only that my doubt is: Can I do a project without Urandal and using only knockout? pq Durandal makes a kind of modulation with viewmodels, and giving applybindings "automatically" depending on the view exchange. Is that possible? Thank you

1 answer


Anything is possible, it doesn’t mean it’s easy.

The knockout just does data-Binding as long as the durandal has Routes, management of dependencies, animations and management of views. So if you only need to data-Binding can only use knockout.


  • I talked to a friend of mine. He said Urandal just sets up a lot of stuff to work everything kk, so what I want to do is pretty much what Urandal does. then I have to study msm. Thanks for the answer

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