Error loading an HTML file


Viewed 79 times


Good , some days I asked a question about optimization here , and I got satisfactory answers. I soon came to the conclusion , that the way I was doing my WEB system would cause performance problems , as I was doing all my screens and forms within a single index, the solution I thought was to separate the screens and create an html file for each one, so that this file is only read when the user clicks to open a certain screen. I made a code and it worked, only I’m having an error in the jquery and the error is varying, very strange.

Time I get this mistake: jquery.js:1451 Uncaught TypeError: a.getAttribute is not a function

And then , this:

jquery.js:1451 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function

This is the code

$.post('formularios/prospeccao/prospeccao.html', function(html) {

Can anyone tell me why this mistake ? Thank you!

  • what type of element is'formulario_geral_prospeccao_id' ?

  • Is a section, there inside it I load the HTML content of my screen.

  • Is there a 'a' variable in your code? I had a problem like this when I was going to select a link and call the method click, I don’t remember the jQuery version, but I solved it using an index, even though the element was selected by id. In your code, it would be something like $('#formulario_geral_prospeccao_id')[0].html(html)

  • I get it. It didn’t work for me that way, because the $('#formulario_geral_prospeccao_id').html(html) is the element that will receive the html content. I noticed something , it seems that the error is varying , I received this error now jquery.js:1451 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function. The funny thing is that when I did everything right on the same index it rolled without any problem.

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