Register with C File


Viewed 665 times


How to know if there is a Record (struct) saved at any position in a C file ?

To the struct:

typedef struct Registro
     int chave;
     char caracteres[20];
     int idade;
     int prox;
     bool contem;
} Registro;

For example:


Position 0 information was uploaded to registro. How to know if it exists ?

  • What is the structure of Registro?

  • typedef struct Record{ int key; char characters[20]; int age; int Prox; bool contains; }Record;

  • 1

    Edit your question to put this add-on, so it gets more organized.

  • Thanks for the tip!!

3 answers


What do you mean, "if he exists"????

If the result of fread() has been 1, the object registro has been filled in with information from stream; if the result was 0 there was an error that you can determine by errno

if (fread(&registro, sizeof (Registro), 1, fl) == 0) {
    // exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  • I need to check in the positions if there are already any records saved. So this way it works there ?

  • The fread() returns the number of items read, or 0 in case of error. If the contents of the file are not compatible with the structure, the fread() will not signal error, but the values obtained will be garbage

  • And how do I delete a record? Is there a function ?

  • There is no proper function to delete log. The usual is to write a new file, then delete the old one and rename the new one


In addition to the check that @pmg presented, I would recommend doing a check of the data read, to make sure that they are what you expect and make sure that the Registro exists.

For example, if you create a file arquivo.dat thus filled:


And then read it like a Registro, your program will work perfectly. The file exists, has enough content to fill the sizeof(Registro) but the content is not of a Registro (That would be a false positive in your program):

caracteres: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa☻
chave: 1633771873
contem: 1633771873
idade: 1633771873
prox: 1633771873
  • But it will not be inserted this way in the file. Only via code itself, using fwrite(). So I can be unconcerned ?

  • It was just for example. Anyway, it does not prevent the user to edit the file and change it improperly or even to open the wrong file.


For example let’s say the file was created this way:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct Registro
 int chave;
 char caracteres[20];
 int idade;
 int prox;
 bool contem;
} Registro;

int main(){
Registro registro = {0,"",0,0,false};

FILE *fPtr;
if((fPtr = fopen("arquivo.dat","wb")) == NULL){
    printf("Erro na abertura do arquivo\n");
     /* Inicializa dez campos "vazios" no arquivo,sem dados de usuario */
    for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){

return 0;

We can check if there are "empty" fields by doing the following:

int main(){

Registro registro = {0,"",0,0,false};

FILE *fPtr;
if((fPtr = fopen("arquivo.dat","rb")) == NULL){
    printf("Erro na abertura do arquivo\n");

    if(registro.chave == 0 && strcmp(registro.caracteres,"") == 0){
        printf("Esse campo esta vazio!\n");
        printf("Esse campo contem dados!\n");

return 0;

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