Error trying to open *.FDB file in Ibexpert


Viewed 701 times


I need to open a *.FDB file by Ibexpert, until recently I was able to open it normally but yesterday it started giving this error:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I already checked the control panel and the BD Firebird is running all right and I did the test Telnet at the command prompt, and port 3050 which is the one of Firebird is connected as well.
Any suggestions?

  • My friend, check the Firewall if the cited port is really released! You may have left open only the UDP, you may also have installed some program that uses this port and not even noticed!

  • @Juniors How can I check if only UDP is released? And if by some chance another program is using this door, how can I release it only to Firebird?

  • Access the Windows Firewall from the Start menu, search for Firewall with advanced options! There you can find who is using the ports! If another application is using the port through Firewall you can change the permission!

  • @I discovered what the error was, I installed Delphi 7 on the computer, and together installed Interbase, and when Interbase was installed it installed a new file gds.dll that pointed to Interbase and not to Firebird.

  • Aaa, then there was one more detail you didn’t mention to us, good that solved! In the next questions don’t forget to provide the details!

1 answer


It was necessary to uninstall Interbase from the machine so that when reinstalling Firebird it could generate a new file gds.dll that points back to the Firebird bank and does not point to Interbase

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