How to define database tables?


Viewed 145 times


I need to compute X hours worked for an X employee in month X. For example, John worked 20 days in January, 12 in February, and so on. To lost in relation to table, create a table only for dates? Or create columns within the employee table with: jan, fev, mar. In which case I don’t think it’s the right thing to do.

  • How will these data be imputed ? The best model would be in my opinion one that registers : Employee start date and time, end date and time and hours worked would be calculated.

  • By means of a form. If you want to take a look at the whole problem: days-em-certain/ is another account of mine, at work you can not log in with facebook.

  • It is necessary to record the hours of the day, as if it were a time clock or only the number of days in the month?

  • Will be by means of a form where I inform name, entry date, exit date. The way will be manipulated the data already know. I just need to define the insertion of the days in the bank.

  • Only the number of days.

  • And you need to know what those days were?

  • Yes Ilipe, to then compare with the days that are holidays.

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4 answers


I believe this solution will help you:


functionario_id  nome
1                João
2                André


funcionario_id  mes  horas
1               10   20
2               10   12
1               11   5

If you want to increase the level of accuracy of the report, it’s worth putting each date per line - keeping all hours of a month in the same line will make it more complicated to recalculate some day that has been recorded wrong on the time sheet.


funcionario_id  data        horas
1               02/01/2014  8
2               02/01/2014  8
1               02/01/2014  5

So, if you want to select John’s line on 02/01, run

SELECT * FROM HORAS_TRABALHADAS WHERE funcionario_id = 1 AND data = 02/01/2014


If you just want to count the number of days, just create a field.
When generating reports, avoid adding another table to your query.
Within this field save the data as follows:


Each position represents one month, January, February, etc...
To add +1 day to the respective month, before recording, you need to convert the data into array using the function explode:

$aDias = explode(",",string_com_os_dias);

In the string we use as an example, we have until April.
An example to add another day to the month of April.

$aDias[3] += 1; //passa a 6

Before saving the data, re-convert the array to string. To do this use the function implode:

$sDias = implode(",",$aDias);

This is an example if you only need to record the number of days.

If you want to record the date the work was done, you need to create a table by part.
Create a new table, for example "TB_HORAS" with the fields:

  • ID - int //autocomplete
  • ID_FUNCIONARIO - int //id of the respective employee corresponding to the employee table
  • DATA - date //date on which the work was performed
  • HOURS - int //number of hours

To search by month and count every day, for example, month of May for employee with ID=5:



Record records per day. This will give you more options for improvements to your system in the future and will allow you to have years history.

1) Create a table for employees and another for daily logging of hours worked:

id    nome
1     João
2     José
3     Maria

id    funcionario_id   data           horas
1     1                2014-05-02     8
2     1                2014-05-03     6
3     2                2014-05-02     7

2) See the hours worked by each employee in a month (in the example below May 2014):

SELECT f.nome, sum(ht.horas) 
FROM funcionario AS f
JOIN horas_trabalhadas AS ht
     ON = ht.funcionario_id
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(, "%Y") = 2014 AND DATE_FORMAT(, "%m") = 5
GROUP by, DATE_FORMAT(, "%Y-%m")
ORDER BY f.nome;

If you want a specific user just add the condition "f. id = {EMPLOYEE ID}" to the query.


I thought a little and I think what you can do is this:

  • Create the fields NAME, DIAS_TRABALHADOS, MES (if necessary create YEAR)

Then you insert in the table the name of the guy, how many days he worked and in which month he worked. This way you avoid passing too much data in INSERT. And it would help you in SELECT, because you would only have to pass a WHERE = month that you want to consult.

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