Communication between javascript and PHP


Viewed 819 times


Hello, I’m a beginner in php and javascript and I’m having trouble creating iterative tables.
In my case, I have an initial table: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When selecting the line that I want to check in more detail the accidents (in this case the option is São Paulo), a new table is opened in a dialog box:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So far so good, I’ve been able to identify which line I’m clicking but I can’t pass this information to php code, because it would have to access the database and bring the information concerning the selected city.

Any hint?

    $("tr[rel=modal]").click( function(ev){
    // Efeitos de transição para aparecer a janela semelhante um alerta
		var cidade = $(this).attr("id"); //Essa variavel carrega a informação da linha selecionada
<tr href="#janela1" rel="modal" class="read checked" id="<?=$linha['cidade']?>">
									<a id="<?=$linha['cidade']?>"></a>

I edited the question because I believe it makes it easier to understand my doubt.

I tried here in a similar way, but you need to give F5 so that the selected option is enabled, if not F5, stays in the selected option before refreshing the page. $(Document). ready(Function(){

$("tr[rel=modal]"). click( Function(Ev), Ev.preventDefault();

var indicator = $(this). attr("id"); $("#window12"). load('valida2.php', {acc:indicator}); in valida2.php put $_SESSION[indicator]=$_POST['acc'];

Got any more tips? I’m racking my brain here

I was able to put the modal window to open an external page. Now I’m having trouble with this modal window, the first time it opens her navigation tabs don’t work, the second time they work normally. This repeats, odd attempt does not open and even opens. Another detail is in the mask, that after 4 clicks she gives a bugger, getting missing and appearing a few times. I’ll edit the topic for better visualization of the code.

	$("tr[rel=modal]").click( function(ev){
		var indicador = $(this).attr("id");
		$("#janela12").load('tabelas.php', {acc:indicador});
        var id = $(this).attr("href");
        var alturaTela = $(document).height();
        var larguraTela = $(window).width();
        //colocando o fundo preto
        var left = ($(window).width() /2) - ( $(id).width() / 2 );
        var top = ($(window).height() / 2) - ( $(id).height() / 2 );
    $('#mascara, .fechar').click(function(e){
			if( !== this ) 
<div id="mascara"></div>
							<div class="window" id="janela1">
							 <div id="janela12"></div>

2 answers


It is not possible to "pass" Javascript variables to PHP, as each one works in different locations, the reverse can only occur when the document is rendered.

Javascript (pure, as in the case, because there are variations that run backend) runs on the client, that is, on the computer of who is accessing.

PHP is a "back-end" language, running on the Server running the application.

This way, to have this interaction it is necessary to use an HTTP request (Post, Get, Push, etc....).

In order for this request to occur without changing pages, it is necessary to make an asynchronous call (because if it was a synchronous call, its front would be directed to that url).

For this you can use the AJAX.


  function loadDoc() {
  var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
     document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = this.responseText;
  };"GET", "ajax_info.txt", true);

I believe that using Jquery Ajax is more friendly to those who are starting.

  • Okay, then you wouldn’t need to create a page for each city right? if, I don’t think I would have to, just send the var city = $(this). attr("id") to innerhtml? @Lucas-Queiroz-ribeiro

  • I don’t know exactly how you’re going to display the information, but basically, you would send this id as a POST field to PHP, and PHP would give you back the information you need (like an array or something like that), so in Javascript you popularize your HTML with this information. (Some people generate HTML in PHP and return it to Javascript, but it’s bad for code maintenance, so avoid)

  • I tried here in a similar way, but you need to give F5 so that the selected option is enabled, if not F5, stays in the selected option before refreshing the page. $(Document). ready(Function(){ $("tr[rel=modal]"). click( Function(Ev){ Ev.preventDefault(); var indicator = $(this). attr("id"); $("#window12"). load('valida2.php', {acc:indicator}); in valida2.php put $_SESSION[indicator]=$_POST['acc']; Got any more tips? I’m racking my brain here

  • tried here in a similar way, but it is necessary to give F5 so that the selected option is activated, if not F5, remains in the selected option before refreshing the page. $(document).ready(function(){ &#xA; $("tr[rel=modal]").click( function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); &#xA;var indicador = $(this).attr("id"); &#xA;$("#janela12").load('valida2.php', {acc:indicador});&#xA; no valida2.php coloquei &#xA;$_SESSION[indicador]=$_POST['acc']; Got any more tips? I’m cracking my head here

  • Do you say mark the check you are clicking ? If so, when you use the ev.preventDefault() you interrupt everything that would happen normally.

  • In my table I did not put any check, I wanted the information to be sent only by clicking under the desired line. I removed the part of ev.preventDefault() but it continued the same way. When I first load the page, if I select any item, it will not be loaded. But when giving F5, and selecting a new item, the item that will be shown is the one I selected before F5.

  • What do you mean by selected ? You are probably picking up the records straight from PHP when you load the page, so if a file is "selected" it will only be changed when you reload the page, ideally when you send this information to the Server and wanted to select an item, do this manually via Javascript

  • I did not understand very well what you said. The registered data is in a database, thus forming the first table. When clicking on the line you want to see more details, a modal window should be opened and the data will be loaded from a new table in the database.

  • And what do you say as selected ?

  • selected would be the line I want to see more details from the first table. <script>&#xA; $(document).ready(function(){&#xA; $("tr[rel=modal]").click( function(ev){

  • So, what "changes" is the right css ? to get darker, this you have to deal with via Javascript.

  • I was able to put the modal window to open an external page. Now I’m having trouble with this modal window, the first time it opens her navigation tabs don’t work, the second time they work normally. This repeats, odd attempt does not open and even opens. Another detail is in the mask, that after 4 clicks she gives a bugada, getting gone and appearing a few times. I will edit the topic for better visualization of the code.

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My answer doesn’t fully answer your question but somehow it can help you. I use in some proprietary applications. It is an own framework to handle data capture and formatting of tables, is done in Javascript and adapts very well with php ( with other CSS frameworks also if applicable) You will see on the website that there are examples showing this "exchange" of information between php and Javascript. As others put it, it is not possible to pass data directly from php to Javascript, but it is possible to synthesize this by calling php using ajax and Javascript and processing/treating the return.

  • i took a look at the site, but I couldn’t find an example that sends the selected option to the server. But thanks for the help.

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