How do I export a trial app without the apple Developer program?


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I’m concluding an app on Swift 2 IOS and would like to know if there is how to export and install on an iphone without having apple Developer program, as can be done on android.

  • Yes.. just compile directly on the device. Or you mean you want to distribute on other devices without having to compile each one?

3 answers


You can install yes and from Xcode 7 no longer need to pay for the license!

  1. In the Xcode, you add your Apple ID to Account preferences.
  2. Selection the project you want to put on iPhone/iPad and target in the project browser.
  3. In the project, click General and choose your name from the Team option.
  4. Just give play. If it is the first time a device sometimes takes a while to work and may even give an error, wait a little longer and try again.

Applications are installed before you open, and can be opened even after disconnecting from the computer. Remember that some functions, such as the game center, do not work without a developer account.

More info: 1) 2)


You can create a developer account, but without paying 99 USD. That way you can still not publish apps in the Appstore, but you can install the app on your iPhone.

For this, you plug the iPhone on your Mac and, in Xcode, when choosing the device, will appear your iPhone there... Your developer account needs to be linked to the project, but if I’m not mistaken Xcode kind of guides you to do this. ;)


Boas, Clever

Without the Apple account program is not possible, as far as I know.

Also you can’t simulate an Xcode app on your iPhone that tried with Swift 3 Xcode 8.

  • Thanks for the feedback but I have account and I can test the app on the iPhone plugged with Xcode. But I’m not a subscriber of the apple Veloper program, which has to pay $99.00. Since app development isn’t my strong suit, I didn’t want to spend it in vain on this account. So I wonder if there is any way to install the app on test devices without having to pay. Android, for example, I can pass the app by email to anyone who wants and install as a test.

  • On Android and Windows Phone you can, already on Apple without the program’s account and impossible with jailbreak you can solve.

  • Andreza, The account is only linked if there is the Developer Program account. If you do not have will not install, simulate is the most that can be done.

  • As I can install yes on the device even if you don’t have program...only active account because I did. But apparently send someone else has no way without joining the Apple Veloper program

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