How to access a variable codeigniter array


Viewed 868 times


I have trouble picking up values within an array variable in codeigniter help me understand how this works once and for all I searched the database that is sent to the view by an array: Controller

$dados= array(
'perfil' => $this->perfil->perfil($id)

In the view I have the data that came from the controller. I check my $profile variable with var_dump($perfil) and it turns up:

[0] => stdClass Object
[artigo_id] => 2
[artigo_titulo] => A volta de cristo
[artigo_imagem] => 8f5364fb6f5204224529ce3345073906.jpg
[artigo_autor] => Nativo Natan Melo

How do I get the article author index information? I try to access by doing


More of a mistake :

Trying to get Property of non-object.

How should I proceed?

  • Suffice $perfil[0]->artigo_autor

  • There is no way I can access type like this; $profile->artigo_author ?

  • 1

    The return of the method has to be row


1 answer


If the method $this->perfil->perfil($id) should return only a single record change its return from result() or result_array() for row() so the zero index is not created and it is possible to directly access the properties of the object.

Change example:

$query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY");
return $query->result();


$query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY");
return $query->row();

Recommended reading:

Documentation - Row()

  • Perfect, never forget. Thank you very much

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