Run script every 1000 queried records


Viewed 537 times


I need to run a script every 1000 records consulted in the database. A simple example to help me is to put a <br><br> every 1000 records.


// Conectando com o banco de dados

// Chama classe para capturar os registros

// Conta a quantidade de registros
$consulta = mysql_query("SELECT nomeUser, emailUser FROM si_login WHERE nomeUser != '' AND emailUser != ''");
$contador = mysql_num_rows($consulta);

// Instrução até chegar na quantidade final de registros
while($contador = mysql_num_rows($consulta)){

    // aqui irá o script a cada 1000 registros.



I have 13640 users and I am creating 1 email capture file for every 1000 users. With the code that was passed, it generates 13 files and has a surplus of 640 users that are left behind because it did not reach 1000 counter. So there are 13 files instead of 14, the last would save not 1000, plus the rest (640).

  • Answers with the simple example were given. As you changed the meaning of the question after the answers, it would be good if you put the correct code you are currently using, so that we can help more, because theoretically what has been answered is already enough for you to implement the generation of 14 files, as both answers run through the 640 finals also in the loop. With more details of the current implementation we could see where the problem is.

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3 answers


Updated to demonstrate that the solution also meets the question update

Just insert this into the while (keeping the $contador = 0 original on the outside):

if( $contador++ % 1000 == 0 ){
    echo "<br /><br />";
    // Nessa linha cria-se o próximo arquivo de captação, que pode ter 1000 emails OU MENOS.
// Nessa linha, grava-se cada um dos emails no arquivo criado acima

So every 1000 records he will put an extra blank line.

Edit: This solution is similar to @Lucas Henrique’s, the difference is that I used the module ( % ) to count every 1000, and he used a counter that Zera. The result should be the same.

Note that this line of the original code does not make sense, it would be the case of a fetch. See Lucas' reply:

while($contador = mysql_num_rows($consulta)){
  • There was a gap there. The last loop does not have 1000 records, it has for example 640 records, how to insert the '<br><br>' at the bottom of the last loop. Thank you.

  • The problem is that you asked one thing wanting another, and your editing changed the meaning of the question. As I suggested, edit the question put the code you use to generate the files, then we’ll see if you need to change something. What you can do is change ++$counter to $counter++, then you would have the <br> pro first group too (as if it were the "Open new file"). Then it would show 14 times the <br>. Or, put an echo out of the loop. It depends on how you generate the file, to know where to touch.


I put a counter in and changed it to mysql_fetch_array


// Conectando com o banco de dados

// Chama classe para capturar os registros

// Conta a quantidade de registros
$result = mysql_query("SELECT nomeUser, emailUser FROM si_login WHERE nomeUser != '' AND emailUser != ''");
$contador = 0;

// Instrução até chegar na quantidade final de registros
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
    // aqui irá o script a cada 1000 registros.
    if($contador == 1000){
        echo "<br /><br />";
        $contador = 0;

  • There was a gap there. The last loop does not have 1000 records, it has for example 640 records, how to insert the '<br><br>' at the bottom of the last loop. Thank you.

  • @marcosvinicius Put echo "<br /><br />"; out of the while, so, after all the records will print.


None of the solutions presented meet the requirement to perform a certain routine also for records that do not reach a lot of 1000.

With PHP it is not good to just separate presentation logic, PHP from HTML, but it is good to also separate different logics amid the same code.

In your case I refer to the read loop of the resource returned by Mysql. This loop should be used to read the Mysql resource. And point!

Anything beyond that will overload the application, perhaps even preventing it from continuing properly.

If you separate the task into two different loops, even if you waste a little performance (which for 13,000 records is almost nothing), you can manipulate the structure generated by the first while:

$records = array();

while( $rows = mysql_num_rows( $query ) ) {

    // Popula $records

// Faz alguma coisa com $records, itera essa nova matriz e aplica sua rotina

The difference here is that $Records, now, it has all the data you need at once and now just break this large array of 13,000 records into 14 smaller array with array_chunk():

$records = array_chunk( $records, 1000, true );

Simple as that. If you debug $Records with var_dump() (or print_r) before and after having passed him by array_chunk(), you will see that what was a one-dimensional matrix (assuming you populated it correctly and one-dimensionally within the while) is now at least two-dimensional.

And you can see perfectly that all new arrays have 1000 indexes, from zero to 999, except the last one, which will have 640, which is just what you need to, in a sequential loop, apply your routine to all 13640 records.

  • -1 for stating an untruth at the beginning. both routines go through ALL records individually, and BETWEEN each 1000 packet makes the example requested by the author. It would be enough for an "echo" inside the loop to confirm. Besides everything you are solving with 2 loops what can be done in one. See comment: and the duplicate solution:

  • You have every right to be negative, however, it is easy to do so having edited the original answer several times, whereas I read the question, understood the requirements, broadened the context and gave a single accurate answer. Worse! In the current state, your solution even does anything in the original context of the question, given that not a while has. And an experienced programmer, adapting to work would prove as a problem the fact of executing what is within its condition right from the start, at zero, which invalidates the logic that, like all, must be perfect so there are no problems.

  • There is the history of editions that proves the timing of my answers, the timing of the author’s edition, and everything that has changed. Rhetoric is futile. The rest is programming.

  • If it makes you happy, I won’t argue anymore.

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