Summary of Wordpress Posts


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I need the summary size of the posts in my Frontpage to be different from the summary size of the page where all posts are displayed(home.php).

In my file functions.php I put the following code:

//adiciona um novo tamanho de resumo de posts
function novo_tamanho_do_resumo($length) {
    return 15; //15 palavras
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'novo_tamanho_do_resumo');

The problem with this code is that the summary has 15 words on all pages, however I need it in frontpage.php be 15 words, and in home.php have 100 words.

2 answers


When you create an action for a given hook, within this function there can be checks for what you need and return the value accordingly.

In your case you can do:

//adiciona um novo tamanho de resumo de posts
function novo_tamanho_do_resumo ( $length ) {

    if ( is_frontpage() ) { // ou qualquer outro if pra verificar em qual página está

        return 15; //15 palavras

    } else if ( is_home() ) {

        return 100; //100 palavras

    } else {

        return 55; //valor padrão


add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'novo_tamanho_do_resumo' );
  • I tried to do this way, but this always falling in the second "if ( is_home() )" getting on both pages 100 words... my code is exactly like yours, just fixed the function is_frontpage() to is_front_page(), because it was giving an undefined function error.


To solve this problem I did so:

I created the following function in the functions.php file

function cropText($texto, $limite){
    if (strlen($texto) <= $limite) echo $texto;
    echo array_shift(explode('||', wordwrap($texto, $limite, '||'))) . " [...]";

and in my Frontpage.php I call the content of the post and limit the characters like this:

<?php cropText(get_the_content(), 120); ?>

This way the summary in Frontpage will always have 120 characters while the summary of the posts page continues with the standard 55 words.

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