jquery.inputmask mask with Real Currency values


Viewed 6,159 times


I’m using the plugin jquery.inputmask for various types of mask in the imputs of my application and including for format coins.

I’m using the following custom rule:

    $(function() {
        $("#money").inputmask('decimal', {
            'alias': 'decimal',
            'radixPoint': ','
            'groupSeparator': '.'
            'autoGroup': true,
            'digits': 2,
            'digitsOptional': false,
            'rightAlign': false
            'placeholder': '0'

With very specific values works very well, for example: R$ 2.500,50.
Already with rounded values, for example: R$ 2.000,00 (when recovering data from BD) the mask is changing the point by the comma and returning a value R$ 2,00.

Someone managed to get around this problem for real coins?

  • More specific Details: https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask/issues/1418

1 answer


It is possible to use the callback method onBeforeMask() to get around the problem of en decimal conversion.

$('.moedaReal').inputmask('decimal', {
      groupSeparator: ".",
      autoGroup: true,
      digits: 2,
      digitsOptional: false,
      placeholder: '0',
      rightAlign: false,
      onBeforeMask: function (value, opts) {
        return value;

A bug has been registered for correction in the library.

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