Problem with functions being performed multiple times


Viewed 330 times


I would like to know how to remedy this problem. Example:

I have a function of fadeIn/fadeOut. The event that triggers the function is the OnClick in some element. The point is: How to avoid that when I give two clicks or more, the function is executed every time I click, an instance over the other?

Thus, the function performs again and Buga all the effect. I would like to know how to "stop" the office of the function that is already running, and only then run it again, to notice a new click before it completes...

It has something to do with that function (e) { e.preventDefault(); } ?

I don’t know if I explained it well, but whoever understands and can help I am very grateful. See you later.

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4 answers


With a code you could respond better, but basically what you need to do is have a global variable that controls whether it’s already run or not, something like that:

var fadeJaExecutado = false;

the function that will perform the effect:

if (!fadeJaExecutado) {
    //faz o que tem que fazer
    fadeJaExecutado = true;

Now if what you want is for him not to perform more than once simultaneously then the solution is different, it would be something like this:

var fadeExecutando = false;

function fade() {
    if (!fadeExecutando) {
        fadeExecutando = true;
    } else {
        fadeExecutando = false;

I put in the Github for future reference.

It may be that part of the logic of fadeIn()/fadeOut() maybe we should bring it to fade(), like the setTimeout(). But it would be better to see the code you’re doing first. I’d better if the question improves.


you can add a class to the element in the click, and check if this class exists

 $('#test-btn').on('click', function(){
        $('#test').addClass('fadding').fadeToggle('fast', function(){

I created a jsFiddle with the example


ev.preventDefault() will prevent element default behavior, e.g; ev.preventDefault() in an Event click of a <a> will prevent the link from href='' be called.

If you are using jQuery, Voce can use the property :animated to check whether the element is being animated, e.g:

if (!$('.my-element').is(':animated')) { $('.my-element').fadeToggle(); }

From what I understand of your problem, it would be something like your solution:

$('.my-button').click(function (ev) {
  ev.preventDefault(); // ignore the href='#'

  var $fadeElement = $('.my-fade-element');

  if (!$':animated')) {


Friend, look for the standards Throttle and Debounce I believe the article below will help.

Throttle and Debounce

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