Parameter estimation via mount Rlo and Optim function


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I’m doing a study with the bivariate Birnbaum Saunders distribution. To solve my problem I need to create a code that estimates the parameters of a mixed model. Would you like to insert the gradient of my verisimilitude function in the code below via the Numderiv package or otherwise, but I’m not getting it, could someone help me create this gradient via some package or R code? Follow the code:

#Parâmetros iniciais para geração das variáveis aleatórias T1 e T2

#Tamanho da Amostra

#Número de amostras
#Matriz para receber os valores estimados em cada passo do Monte Carlo
#Inicio do loop Monte carlo
for (i in 1:N){
  u1  <-rnorm(n)
  u2  <-rnorm(n)
  z1  <-(((sqrt(1+rho))+(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u1+(((sqrt(1+rho))-(sqrt(1-    rho)))/2)*u2
  z2  <-(((sqrt(1+rho))-(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u1+(((sqrt(1+rho))+(sqrt(1-    rho)))/2)*u2  

  #Variáveis (T1,T2)~BSB(mu1,phi1,mu2,phi2,rho)
  T1<-(mu1/(1+(1/phi1)))*((1/2)*(sqrt(2/phi1))*z1+sqrt(1+((1/2)*    (sqrt(2/phi1))*z1)^2))^2
  T2<-(mu2/(1+(1/phi2)))*((1/2)*(sqrt(2/phi2))*z2+sqrt(1+((1/2)*    (sqrt(2/phi2))*z2)^2))^2
  #Variável indicadora
  #Variável de interesse cuja densidade é obtida apartir da
  #distribuição Birnbaum Saunders bivariada, observe que esta
  #é uma variável com censura e de acordo com a minha especificação
  #dos parâmetros a censura é cerca de 10% a 20%. 
  #Função Log de Verossimilhança
  #Observe que o phi2 foi considerado fixo para garantir a
  #identificabilidade do modelo!
    mu1  <-abs(par[1])
    phi1 <-abs(par[2])
    mu2  <-abs(par[3])
    arho <-par[4]
    f1<-(1/(2*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp((-phi1/4)*(sqrt(y[y>0]*(phi1+1)/(phi1*mu1))-sqrt(phi1*mu1/(y[y>0]*    (phi1+1))))^2)*    (((sqrt(phi1+1))/(sqrt(phi1*mu1*y[y>0])))+    ((sqrt(phi1*mu1))/((y[y>0]^3)*(phi1+1))))*    (sqrt(phi1/2))*pnorm(((sqrt(phi2*(phi2+1))*    (phi2*mu2-phi2-1))/(sqrt(2)*    (phi2+1)*sqrt(phi2*mu2*(1-tanh(arho)^2))))+    (((sqrt(phi1)*tanh(arho))/(sqrt(2*(1-tanh(arho)^2))))*(sqrt(y[y>0]*    (phi1+1)/(phi1*mu1))-sqrt((phi1*mu1)/(y[y>0]*    (phi1+1))))))
  #Tentativa de se criar o gradiente (Não deu certo!)
  # grad<-function(par){
  #   mu1 <-par[1]
  #   phi1<-par[2]
  #   mu2 <-par[3]
  #   rho <-par[4]
  #   f1<-(1/(2*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp((-phi1/4)*(sqrt(y[y>0]*    (phi1+1)/(phi1*mu1))-    sqrt(phi1*mu1/(y[y>0]*(phi1+1))))^2)*(((sqrt(phi1+1))/(sqrt(phi1*mu1*y[y>0])))+    ((sqrt(phi1*mu1))/((y[y>0]^3)*(phi1+1))))*(sqrt(phi1/2))*pnorm(((sqrt(phi2*    (phi2+1))*(phi2*mu2-phi2-1))/(sqrt(2)*(phi2+1)*sqrt(phi2*mu2*(1-rho^2))))+    (((sqrt(phi1)*rho)/(sqrt(2*(1-rho^2))))*(sqrt(y[y>0]*(phi1+1)/(phi1*mu1))-    sqrt((phi1*mu1)/(y[y>0]*(phi1+1))))))
  #   f2<-pnorm(sqrt(phi2/2)*(sqrt((phi2+1)/(phi2*mu2))-        sqrt((phi2*mu2)/(phi2+1))))  
  #   lv<--(sum(log(f1))+sum(1*(y==0)*log(f2)))
  #   g1<-(sum(1*(y>0)*D(log(f1),"mu1"))+sum(1*(y==0)*D(log(f2),"mu1")))
  #   g2<-(sum(1*(y>0)*D(log(f1),"phi1"))+sum(1*(y==0)*D(log(f2),"phi1")))
  #   g3<-(sum(1*(y>0)*D(log(f1),"mu2"))+sum(1*(y==0)*D(log(f2),"mu2")))
  #   g4<-(sum(1*(y>0)*D(log(f1),"rho"))+sum(1*(y==0)*D(log(f2),"rho")))
  #   gd=cbind(eval(g1),eval(g2),eval(g3),eval(g4))
  #   colSums(gd, na.rm = TRUE)
  # }
  #Chutes iniciais
  mu1_0 <-1.5
  mu2_0 <-2

  #Estimação via método BFGS da função optim
  op<-optim(start,log.lik,method = "BFGS")
  #Como fiz uma reparametrização do parâmetro rho afim de não
  #ter problemas devido a simulação dos valores a entrada da 
  #matriz referente a rho recebe tangente hiperbólico da estimativa de rho
  #via função optim!


1 answer


Important: I am not familiar with the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. All code is based on Kundu, Balakrishnan and Jamalizadeh (2010). The article does not address the problem of censorship of variable values, so it is possible that the results are not directly applicable to your problem.

Comparing your code for data simulation with the cited article, I found a discrepancy in the passage of intermediate values z1 and z2 for T1 and T2 (Eq. 8). Therefore, in the simulations below, I followed the proposal of the article, because the results differ.

In the first function, the data are simulated from the proposed parameters and a sample size N. The second function, for estimation of maximum likelihood, has as argument a data set X with two columns and a vector of initial values for the Phi parameters -- so with only two values.

The optimization function only follows the equations proposed in the article and uses the function optim to find the Mles of phi1 and phi2. In the end, the values of mu1, mu2 and rho are calculated from the solutions in a closed form. I tried to identify the number of equations in the original article. Caution: the function does not verify whether the initial values are positive and the optimization algorithm employed (standard of the optim, Nelder-Mead) does not restrict parameter space to positive numbers.

simData <- function(mu1, phi1, mu2, phi2, rho, N){
  u1  <-rnorm(N)
  u2  <-rnorm(N)
  z1  <-(((sqrt(1+rho))+(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u1+(((sqrt(1+rho))-(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u2
  z2  <-(((sqrt(1+rho))-(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u1+(((sqrt(1+rho))+(sqrt(1-rho)))/2)*u2  

  #Variáveis (T1,T2)~BSB(mu1,phi1,mu2,phi2,rho)
  #T1.1<-(mu1/(1+(1/phi1)))*((1/2)*(sqrt(2/phi1))*z1+sqrt(1+((1/2)*    (sqrt(2/phi1))*z1)^2))^2
  #T2.1<-(mu2/(1+(1/phi2)))*((1/2)*(sqrt(2/phi2))*z2+sqrt(1+((1/2)*    (sqrt(2/phi2))*z2)^2))^2
  T1 <- phi1 * ((1/2) * mu1 * z1 + sqrt(((1/2) * mu1 * z1)^2 + 1))^2
  T2 <- phi2 * ((1/2) * mu2 * z2 + sqrt(((1/2) * mu2 * z2)^2 + 1))^2

  data.frame(T1, T2)

X <- simData(1.5, 1, 3, 8, 0.5, 1000)

mleBVBS <- function(X, phiInits) {
  #Funções s e r, definidas em (11)
  s <- function(data){
    apply(data, 2, mean)

  r <- function(data){
    apply(data, 2, function(x) 1/mean(1/x))

  # Função em forma fechada para computar mu, dado phi (9)
  muHat <- function(phi, s, r){
    sqrt(s/phi + phi/r - 2)

  # Função em forma fechada para computar rho, dado phi (10)
  rhoHat <- function(phi){
    phi1 <- phi[1]
    phi2 <- phi[2]

    num <- sum(
      (sqrt(X[, 1]/phi1) - sqrt(phi1/X[, 1])) *
        (sqrt(X[, 2]/phi2) - sqrt(phi2/X[, 2]))
    den <- sqrt(
      sum((sqrt(X[, 1]/phi1) - sqrt(phi1/X[, 1]))^2)
    ) * sqrt(
      sum((sqrt(X[, 2]/phi2) - sqrt(phi2/X[, 2]))^2)


  sData <- s(X)
  s1 <- sData[1]
  s2 <- sData[2]

  rData <- r(X)
  r1 <- rData[1]
  r2 <- rData[2]
  n <- nrow(X)

  #Função a ser otimizada para obter phi1 e phi2 (12)

  profileLL <- function(phi, s1, s2, r1, r2, n, X){
    phi1 <- phi[1]
    phi2 <- phi[2]

    (-n)*log(muHat(phi1, s1, r1)) - n*log(phi1) -
      n*log(muHat(phi2, s2, r2)) - n*log(phi2) -
      (n/2)*log(1 - rhoHat(phi)) +
        sqrt(phi1/X[, 1]) + (phi1/X[, 1])^(3/2)
      )) + sum(log(
        sqrt(phi2/X[, 2]) + (phi2/X[, 2])^(3/2)

  fit <- optim(phiInits, profileLL, control=list(fnscale=-1),
               s1=s1, s2=s2, r1=r1, r2=r2, n=n, X=X)
  phi <- fit$par

  c(mu1=muHat(phi[1], s1, r1), phi1=phi[1], mu2=muHat(phi[2], s2, r2), phi2=phi[2], rho=rhoHat(phi))


mleBVBS(X, c(1, 5))
  • Thank you @Erikson K.!

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