Sort according to database | PHP


Viewed 397 times


I have the following structure:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I have 3 types of classification, following the coherence: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 - I have to display in front of the titles, each content that belongs to its classification, getting the following way in time to display on the screen:

> 1. Meu conteudo Administrativo
> 1.1 Novo Conteudo
> 1.1.1 André Ribeiro
> 1.1.2 Teste de Gestão de Pessoas

You need to follow from every field.

I’m using codeigniter, but it can be done in basic SQL PHP, and I set it in codeigniter.

I tried to do it this way:

$this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
$this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao", "ASC");
$consulta = $this->db->get('conteudos')->result();

foreach($consulta as &$valor){
    $this->db->select("coe_titulo, coe_classificacao, coe_classificacao_1, coe_classificacao_2");
    $this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
    $this->db->where("coe_classificacao", $valor->coe_classificacao);
    $this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao_1", "ASC");
    $retorno = $this->db->get('conteudos')->result();

        foreach($retorno as &$valor_retorno){
            $this->db->select("coe_titulo, coe_classificacao_1, coe_classificacao_2");
            $this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
            $this->db->where("coe_classificacao_1", $valor_retorno->coe_classificacao_1);
            $this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao_2", "ASC");
            $valor_retorno->sub = $this->db->get('conteudos')->result();                    

But equally, it does not bring me the expected result, I believe you can disregard what I did.

The point is, how do I turn everything into that array, so that I can display it the way I transcribed it?

2 answers


Your logic is correct apparently, I seem to miss only "save" the reference data to each item:

$this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
$this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao", "ASC");
$consulta =  json_decode(json_encode($this->db->get('conteudos')->result_array()), True);

foreach($consulta as $key => $valor){
    $this->db->select("coe_titulo, coe_classificacao, coe_classificacao_1, coe_classificacao_2");
    $this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
    $this->db->where("coe_classificacao", $valor->coe_classificacao);
    $this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao_1", "ASC");
    $retorno = $this->db->get('conteudos')->result_array();
    $consulta[$key][] =  json_decode(json_encode($retorno), True);

        foreach($consulta[$key] as $key_neto => $valor_retorno){
            $this->db->select("coe_titulo, coe_classificacao_1, coe_classificacao_2");
            $this->db->where("set_base != ", 12); // conteudo sobre
            $this->db->where("coe_classificacao_1", $valor_retorno->coe_classificacao_1);
            $this->db->order_by("coe_classificacao_2", "ASC");
            $consulta[$key][$key_neto][] = 
    $consulta[$key][] =  json_decode(json_encode($this->db->get('conteudos')->result_array()), True);                    

I think that solves!

  • So far, okay, this is simple. However, in pure PHP, as I do to turn everything into this array, so I can display the way I transcribed it?

  • 1

    sorry, now I really understand the question...

  • Then came this error: Fatal error: Cannot use Object of type stdClass as array in, and the line is this: $query[$key][] = $return;

  • 1

    This means that the returned objects are in a array, but are objetos in fact, I will search how to convert and update the answer...

  • Replaces result() for result_array()

  • The same mistake, but I’m trying here

  • really didn’t work out rsrsrs

  • Dude, since I don’t know the framework, I decided otherwise...!

Show 3 more comments


PHP code, I don’t understand what you mean by PHP pure, use the mysqli:

$sql = "SELECT coe_class, coe_class1, coe_class2, coe_titulo FROM TESTE ORDER BY coe_class,coe_class1,coe_class2;"
  or die("Erro na consulta: " . mysqli_error($sql));

$query = $conn->query($sql);

if ( $query->num_rows > 0 ){
  while ($dados = $query->fetch_assoc()){
      $out = '';
      $out = ($dados['coe_class']  > 0 ? $dados['coe_class']  .'.' : '') .
             ($dados['coe_class1'] > 0 ? $dados['coe_class1'] .'.' : '') .
             ($dados['coe_class2'] > 0 ? $dados['coe_class2'] .'.' : '');

      echo rtrim(trim($out), '.') . ' - ' . $dados['coe_titulo'];
      echo '<br>';
} else {
    echo 'Nenhuma linha retornada.';

Example of an exit:

1 - Administrative
1.1 - New Content
1.1.1 - Andre
1.1.2 - Management Test

  • I use codeigniter, but that way, I won’t be able to use...

  • php pure is just that, when we use a framework development, it is not necessary to assemble the query in "nail", or even create classes connection, the framework already provides all this and normally, as in the case of this user, provides a ORM for data manipulation.

  • Yes, I believe it would work, I’m checking

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