Make choice via BD table combobox to insert data


Viewed 350 times


Exemplifying: Choosing in options in which of table of the Database you want insert your information.

EXE: Banco de Dados
CREATE TABLE tabela_acao, tabela_comedia, tabela_ficcao(
   nome varchar(20) not null,
   genero varchar(20) not null,
   clasificacao varchar(20) not null,

EXE: Tabela que vai inserir conteudo no BD
<form action="" method="">
   <label for="id1">Nome do Filme</label>
   	<input type="text" name="nome" id="id1" required>
   <label for="id2">Genero do Filme</label>
   	<input type="text" name="genero" id="id2" required>
   <label for="id3">Classificação do Filme</label>
  	<input type="text" name="clasificacao" id="id3" required>
   <input type="submit" value="Adicionar">

EXE: combobox que vai determinar em gual tabela os filmes ira ser colocados

  • 1

    In order to help you must post your code or something you tried to do and even your bank structure. not only that but tbm you should ask a more direct question.

  • 1

    From what I understand he wants to mark the combobox and with it make the select in the bank.

  • It’s like this: I registered a film with the comedy genre, so I choose which table I will put! understood? @Jasar Orion

  • Why don’t you separate the categories and record the movies on the same table? type tables movies and vc has a category field that records which category the movie belongs to.

  • @Jasar Orion, why not work out, what I want to do is not that simple, and will only work with the categories in different tables.

  • me explains what you want to do then because in my view there is no difference because mysql is modular enough for you to manipulate the data in the way q want.

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1 answer


your insert code in mysql would be this

Cod html

<form action="?acao=grava" method="post">
   <label for="id1">Nome do Filme</label>
    <input type="text" name="nome" id="id1" required>
   <label for="id2">Genero do Filme</label>
    <input type="text" name="genero" id="id2" required>
   <label for="id3">Classificação do Filme</label>
    <input type="text" name="clasificacao" id="id3" required>
   <input type="submit" value="Adicionar">

EXE: combobox que vai determinar em gual tabela os filmes ira ser colocados
<select name='tabelas'>
    <option value='0'>Ação</option>
    <option value='1'>Comédia</option>
    <option value='2'>Ficção</option>

php that will stay before or after form

   $categoria=array('tabela_acao', 'tabela_comedia', 'tabela_ficcao');
   $sql="INSERT INTO ".$categoria[$tabelas]." set nome='".$_POST['nome'].", genero='".$_POST['genero'].", classificacao='".$_POST['classificacao']."";
   echo "dados adicionados";

That does exactly what you asked for.

  • I will test your code, but I will create the code in Jsfiddle to show you exactly what I intend, ok.

  • look there <a href="">Example</a>

  • still not understood why it would need to be different tables.

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