Open link in another tab when you click button


Viewed 771 times


I already know how to open in another window, want when I close it, update my site!

Her code is this:

<a href="" onclick="'','pagename','resizable,height=260,width=370'); return false;" style="font-size: xx-large;" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" /></a>

quando fechar essa janela atualizar meu site!

  • I don’t know what its purpose is to open a new window, but it would be much more practical if you show the content in a modal, because from it it becomes easier to assign actions to your page that originated it.

2 answers


See if this solves !

<a href="" class="link" style="font-size: xx-large;">
    <img border="0" src="" />


document.querySelector('.link').addEventListener('click', function(e){
    var win ='', 'pagename', 'resizable,height=260,width=370');
    var popupTick = setInterval(function() {
        if (win.closed) {
            console.log('window closed!');
            // window.location.reload(true);
    }, 500);
    return false;



Hello, maybe what you want is the attribute window.close()

This attribute will update a described page every time you close the page by the button.

see if this solves:

onclick="'','pagename','resizable,height=260,width=370'); return false; window.close("

I hope it helps you!

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