How to do for when I click button,open link in another window


Viewed 17,549 times


example this image below,I clicked the button and open in a small window! veja a imagem

2 answers


<a href="#" onClick="'pagina.html','pagename','resizable,height=260,width=370'); return false;">Clique aqui</a><noscript>Você precisa estar com o javascript ativado, caso contrário <a href="pagina.html" target="_blank">clique aqui</a></noscript>
  • thanks friend!!

  • the more you’re opening my own website?

  • how do I open another?

  • in place of pagina.html you can specify a url address

  • 1

    ok vlw!! Mt thank you

  • The location where you specify the desired address is in the attribute href, of the element <a>...

  • @Magichat, the new window opens using javascript. That’s why # within the href. In this case, you need to specify inside the onclick itself. This way, you can test in the browser as follows:'','pagename','resizable,height=260,width=370');

  • friend,now here another question,how do I apra when I close that screen,the page update alone?

  • @Ronnyamarante the two forms, are correct, depending on the organization of the project, one will be the best option.

  • @Magichat, I made a test here to show you. Take a look, pls:,output

  • @Ronnyamarante what exactly you wished to show ?

  • @Magichat; which prevails. Mainly because you will never apply this inline. If your js has not been loaded, it will just forward to href without opening in a new window.

  • @Ronnyamarante veja a edição que fiz na minha resposta, na parte do javascript, onde uso this.href and understand my point of view.

  • @Magichat; If js is not enabled you don’t need fallback noscript, in your case it will open in a new tab the content. If the JS has not yet been loaded, it will open in a new tab, not following the proposal of the question. In your code I see no need to noscript and you?

  • @Ronnyamarante No, there is no need, it is even better. It is explained, why the href be a better way, in my view... "Socratic" method always works, for both involved... vlw, man ;)

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Take this example :

<!DOCTYPE html>

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit our HTML tutorial!</a>

<p>Se você colocar o valor do atributo "target" como "_blank", o link abrirá uma nova janela</p>


And to specify the size use Javascript

<a href="/questions/157601/como-fazer-para-quando-eu-clicar-bot%C3%A3o-abrir-link-em-outra-janela" onClick=",'pagename','resizable,height=260,width=370'); return false;">Nova Página</a>

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