Change and Save Color from Datagridview Line


Viewed 151 times


I want to change the color of the line DataGridView and even with you.


private void btnativo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

public void MudarCor()
    dgvIngrediente.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect;
    dgvIngrediente.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

But when I close my form and open it again, the lines of DataGridView return with the normal color and not with the one I changed. I would like to know how I do to save the color and leave it permanent.

  • 1

    you have to record this change colors in the database I see no other way!

  • I thought there was another way.

  • permanent in my view would be database, that every time would have a color already chosen by you, opened the form read the database and ready color chosen shows... I see no other way...

  • If Voce already has a database for the system, it is better to use even the database, otherwise Voce can use an xml file or another text file. These would be much simpler than creating a database just to record a configuration.

  • Enzo, have you tried using Attributes and giving a class to Datagridview? So the class will remain in it anyway, unless it refreshes the page.

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