Automatic public project deploy to AWS instance


Viewed 75 times



I would like to know how to configure the Travis CI to automatically deploy a public project from GitHub after running the build and all tests pass.

I noticed this file configuration .travis.yml, but the doubt that remains, inform the attributes access_key_id and the secret_access_key is really safe, as could be done to set up automatic deploy of Github public projects?

  provider: s3
  access_key_id: "" #YOUR ENCRYPTED AWS ACCESS KEY
  secret_access_key: "" #YOUR ENCRYPTED AWS SECRET KEY
  bucket: ""
  skip_cleanup: true
  local-dir: out
  tags: true


Setup Travis-CI for Continuous Integration

S3 Deployment

AWS Codedeploy

  • You can’t put this project in bitbucket and make it private?

  • I can, but the idea was that it was open source

  • Then use environment variables, so each one is responsible for their own access_key_id and secrect_access_key

  • I don’t have access to Travisci’s machine, or I do?

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