How to open an Infobox by clicking on the BING MAPS marker


Viewed 66 times


Guys, I had to swap the google map for Bing’s, and now I can’t make clicking the marker open an infobox. The event is called, and it arrow the settings but simply does not appear... When I add a marker to the map, or several works, when I manipulate anything works, except when opening the infobox... Could someone help me?

I will show the properties and the two functions that do not do what should... I’ve even tried to use the function q I saw in a reply has the hideInfobox,display info box and tbm did not appear....

  var config = {
      map: undefined,
      infobox: undefined,
      latlng: undefined,
      marcador: undefined,
      carregado: false
   function MapearImoveis(position, imovel, icone) {
       //faz umas coisas aq...........

       Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(config.marcador, 'click', function (event) {
        abrirInfobox(imovel, event); //chama quando clico

     function abrirInfobox(imovel, marcador) {
     var info = $("#info");
     //crio o html q vai no infobox 

    config.infobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(marcador.location, { visible: true });

    document.getElementById("infoFoto").onerror = function (e) { = "../Content/imagens/imovel_sem_imagem.jpg";

1 answer


Well, it was just set config.infobox.setMap(

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