How does development work for Xamarin?


Viewed 248 times


  • If I want to create an app in Xamarin for Ios, I’m obliged to have a Mac?

  • Xamarin creates a folder in the Android project and Ios, and what would be the folder for Windows Phone?

  • Xamarin creates native code from other platforms in real time?

  • 1

    The development is not "for Xamarin". The development is in Xamarin for multiplatform.

3 answers


If I want to create an app in Xamarin for IOS, I’m required to have a MAC?

Has been answered in C# Mobile Development Needs Mac?, I won’t repeat here.

Xamarin creates a folder in the Droid and IOS projects, and what would be the folder for Windows Phone?

No relevance anymore. WP died.

Xamarin Creates native code from other platforms in real time?

It creates native code for all its supported platforms, some of which even require it. I don’t know what real time means in that context, but probably not real time doesn’t seem to fit there.


If I want to create an app in Xamarin for Ios, I’m obliged to have a Mac?

You must need a mac, be it a physical or a cloud. That’s because the Xamarin.Ios build is Ahead of Time (AOT) and there’s a security restriction on iOS, set by Apple, that doesn’t allow you to run dynamically generated code on a device.

Xamarin creates a folder in the Android project and Ios, and what would be the folder for Windows Phone?

This depends on which version of windows you select in your project. It can generate your.UWP project, your.Windows project and your.Winphone. Which are nothing more than UWP , 8.* and windows phone versions.

Xamarin creates native code from other platforms in real time?

If you mean Xamarin.Droid converts your c# code into Android and Xamarin.Ios converts c# to Swift, no. Xamarin is native, read this excerpt taken from Xamarin’s own site (in this case speaking of android):

Xamarin.Android applications run within the Mono execution environment. This execution environment runs side by side with the Android Runtime (ART) virtual machine. Both runtime environments run on top of the Linux kernel and expose multiple Apis to user code that allows developers to access the underlying system. Mono running time is written in C.




  • If I want to create an app in Xamarin for Ios, am I required to have a Mac? -- no, nowadays you can hire a cloud service to build your app, if you do not want to pay for the service yes, then you will have to have a mac.

  • Xamarin creates a folder in the Android project and Ios, and what would be the folder for Windows Phone? -- Which IDE are you using, VS? if it is, you have installed the WP SDK, you will identify the UWP folder, which in it will have the Universal Windows App project. -- If you’re on Mac and using Xamarin Studio, then yes, you’ll only really have the options for iOS, and Android

  • Does Xamarin create native code from other platforms in real time? -- I believe that once I compile the application... I would really have to define what would be real time for you.

  • Hi, so, what would be the best solution to create an app for win, Ios and android, since in windows does not generate for Ios and that on mac does not generate for windows phone?

  • Where do I find these Cloud services?

  • A machine with the mac, that you can virtualize a Windows, dai vc would put in windows initially to develop, and when you build the Ios would do it on Ios.

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