Change the font in via css


Viewed 889 times


I’m trying to change the font of a site hosted on In the archive css, I do the source on the first line of the code:

@import "//";

Then I determine the source that will be used:

font-family: 'Lekton';

In the preview part of Wordpress I can see the font change. However when saving the change, it disappears. I also tried using @font-face and it didn’t work. also doesn’t allow uploading files .eot, .woff and .svg.

  • Welcome to the community. You want to change the theme font of your site, so that changes are seen on pages, posts, etc?

  • That’s right. I wish to change the font type to Lekton.

2 answers


With little information you passed, I will ask you to make these changes and in the comments you inform me whether it worked or not.

Altere of:

@import "//";


@import '';

And when determining the source, change from:

font-family: 'Lekton';


font-family: 'Lekton', sans-serif !important;
  • It didn’t work. It showed behavior similar to what was occurring.

  • @Raymond which link to your website and which class CSS or ID Are you trying to change? So I can help you better.


  • The problem is that, from what I researched, unlike does not accept the use of plugins.

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