Problem with . htaccess on Amazon EC2


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I am migrating a site to Amazon EC2 (Ubuntu with apache, php and mysql) and I am having problems with links routes. My file .htaccess is basically like this:

RewriteEngine On
Options +FollowSymLinks 

RewriteRule ^fale-conosco/?$ faleconosco.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^galeria-de-fotos/?$ galeriadefotos.php [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^tarifas/?$ tarifas.php [NC,L]

When accessing through the browser or /galeria-de-fotos opens normally, but the /tarifas won’t open (Not Found, The requested URL /tarifas was not found on this server.), but if I put /tarifaS (some uppercase letter) the link works !!

Someone would know a solution to such a problem ?

  • This case is intriguing. You revised it to see if there is no invisible character there in the line of tarifas ?

  • as well as invisible character in the archive ?

  • Raphael, see (ZERO WIDTH SPACE)

  • nothing happens ! I recreated the file . htaccess only with Rewriteengine On Options +Followsymlinks Rewriterule/rates? $ tariffs.php [NC,L] and it doesn’t work ! but when I change to tariffs 2 it opens !!! I don’t know what else to do !

  • What I noticed is that all rules that do not work, if I change some letter to UPPERCASE, the link opens, example: /tariffs (does not open) , /tariffs (open) , and in htaccess ta s Rewriterule tariffs/? $ .php rates [NC,L]

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