move_uploaded_file does not move files


Viewed 385 times


I have a form (in php, I wanted to ask if it works without problem? ) to insert images (the path of them) and when I enter the notification appears that were inserted in the database but the image does not move to the folder I ask for.

This is the code I made to transfer:


    include '../conn.php';

    $id = $_GET['id'];

    $imagem    = $_FILES['imagem']['tmp_name'];
    $img_name = $_FILES['imagem']['name'];

    $dir      = "../imagens/viaturas/";
    $path     = $dir.$img_name;

    move_uploaded_file( $imagem, $path );    

    $sql = "INSERT INTO carros_img(id_fk, img) VALUES ($id, '$img_name')";

    if(mysqli_query($con, $sql)){
    echo "<script>
             document.location.href = '../admin/carros.php?id=$id';
        echo "<script>
            alert('Imagem não enviada');
            document.location.href = '../admin/quem.php?id=$id';

The path image appears in the comic but the image does not move from folder. Some problem with the code?

  • Is there a mistake? Maybe it has to do with permissions

  • No, there is no error just don’t move the image.

  • You have permissions to write to the folder you refer to?

  • The folder path is correct ?

  • The way is right but permission do not know. How to make permission ?

  • Just look at the properties of the folder.. but eventually that won’t be the problem. add this, to your code and see if there are any errors: error_reporting(E_ALL);

  • 2

    Place at the beginning of this code these three lines: ini_set('display_errors',1); ini_set('display_startup_erros',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); execute the code if it is not it shows you the error.

  • Bruno, post in the question the tree of your project, including the folder where you are running this script and the folder where you want to save please!

  • Permission 755 in the folder where the files will be moved. If no error is shown the paths seem to be correct.

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