Guys, here’s the deal: I create several sites and systems, and most of them have an administrative area. I do until then in the basics of being "urldosite.com.br/admin".
Now, for safety’s sake as well, I want to start switching these accesses. Example, instead of being "admin" was "admin0978", but then in each system the numbers will be different.
How do I do this in Cakephp 3? How do I change Admin Access Urls in Cakephp 3? Only getting them so far by changing them all namespace of the admin controllers.
You do not need to modify the names of the controllers and namespaces.. Just configure routes: http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/development/routing.html
– Daniel Omine
Daniel, can you give me a light how to do? Thank you!
– Vinícius Sizílio