Select fields from another table with multiple foreign keys


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I have 4 tables :

Lojas(nomeLoja, *IDloja*, morada, telefone, email)

Bancos(nomeBanco, *IDbanco*, morada)

PlanoContas(*conta*, descricao)

Gestao(NIB, nConta, conta1, conta2, IDloja, IDbanco, *IDgestao*)

conta1 and conta2 are foreign keys to PlanoContas, IDloja foreign key from Lojas and IDbanco foreign key from Bancos.

How can I get a similar output to this:

IDgestao | NIB | nconta | nomeBanco | nomeLoja | descricao_conta1 | descricao_conta2

1 answer


Just make a join normal, giving names (aliases) for the tables consulted and - on the return of the select - referencing the specific tables and also giving names to them:

select g.IDgestao as IDgestao, g.NIB as NIB, g.nconta as nconta,
       b.nomeBanco as nomeBanco, l.nomeLoja as nomeLoja,
       c1.descricao as descricao_conta1, c2.descricao as descricao_conta2
from Gestao as g
     join Lojas as l on g.IDloja = l.IDloja
     join Bancos as b on g.IDbanco = b.IDbanco
     join PlanoContas as c1 on g.conta1 = c1.conta
     join PlanoContas as c2 on g.conta2 = c2.conta
where ...

Note: the as in the section from is optional; you could simply use Gestao g, Lojas l etc. I’m not sure about the use in select, but it seems to me to be mandatory in this case.

  • Idloja and Idbancos are not primary keys in the Management table, they are only in the Banks and Stores table, respectively... I had never done so many joins simultaneously... Once again thank you!

  • @user8539 Oh yeah, it went unnoticed that the same column name existed in the two tables... I removed the comment.

  • 1

    @mgibsonbr the word as would not be necessary in the SELECT unless you want to name the column differently. For example, SELECT g.IDgestao AS Digestion. By default, Sql Server uses the column name. Also some columns may have the AS while others may be without.

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