Dynamic menu with JSF and Primefaces when it becomes responsive does not work


Viewed 515 times


I have a dynamic menu on my site, which is brought through categories previously registered in the database. Within each category, it has a list of subcategories.

When I click on a subcategory, it would have to bring me the stores related to that subcategory. Until then it is working perfectly, the problem occurs when I decrease the screen size, and it generates this menu on the side, that hidden menu, which you click and it expands. When it is this way, it simply stops working, but just go back to the normal screen size, the menu comes back to normal. It just doesn’t work when it’s on some small screen.

You can check live at www.portalbid.com.br (select a category on the homepage that will appear the menu)

follows the code:

 <nav id="nav">
                    <ul id="menuvert">

                        <ui:repeat value="#{categoriaBean.todasCategorias}" var="categoria" varStatus="status">
                                    <h:outputText value="#{categoria.titulo}"/>


                                    <ui:repeat value="#{categoria.subCategorias}" var="sub">

                                            <p:commandLink styleClass="featured"
                                                <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{sub}"
                                                <h:outputText value="#{sub.descricao}"/>






Can someone give me a hand? I’m using JSF 2.2.13 and Primefaces 6.0

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