IP Blocked remote access mysql linux debian


Viewed 630 times


I’m making the following mistake: [exec] mysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed [exec] error: 'Access denied for user 'rqtecnologia'@'' (using password: YES)'

  • I’ve already changed the user password
  • already went to the file my.cnf commented the line bind-address =, the line Skip-networking is already disabled.
  • already enabled iptables firewall for mysql port and ip number
  • I have already given all privileges to the user, the same is as rqtecnology %

Does anyone have any suggestions please, because I don’t know what else to try.

  • It wouldn’t hurt to try a flush privileges.

2 answers


Log in to the MYSQL server via SSH:

ssh root@servidormysql

Log in to your MYSQL server:

mysql -u root -p

Give permissions to the user rqtecnologia connect to bank teste1:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON teste1.* TO 'rqtecnologia'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'senhadousuário';

flush privileges;



You have root access to this database?

If yes install mysql Workbench and connect to your server with root user. In the user area, probably this user will be limited to a host "localhost" or "", in this field you put "%" to fully release, but I advise you to create a new user with the same permissions and in the host put only the ip "" which is the ip you are trying to access.

You only have to remember to change in case the ip changes.

If use phpMyAdmin just go to users you will have access to mysql users too.

Remembering in case of phpmyadmin never change the user "root".

  • So this user is already fully released (%). I have access to root yes, only I was doing everything by command line, because I have access to the server through Putty.

  • so I understood, how you executed the command of mysqladmin?

  • I have here in the company a server hosted with our site. But who is responsible for updating the site, is a third. And when that third one tries to upload an update, he makes that mistake, you know? But to test I give the following command: mysqladmin -h177.21.38.34 -u rqtechnology -p****ver and the error also

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