Convert classes


Viewed 74 times


I have studied programming in JSF, I read that for objects to be transformed into String you need a Convert to the entity.

Is there a class already ready and we adapt our Entities? How it works ?

1 answer


You can create a class that implements the interface Converter, in it we can define how the data conversion will take place, in this way you customize this conversion.

By steps: Create a class that implements the interface javax.faces.contert.Converter and is noted with @facesConverter. A converter is a class that can transform strings in objetos and objetos in strings, this class should implement the methods getAsObject() and getAsString();

The method getAsObject() must convert from String for objeto, in this case may cast an exception of the type ConverterException;

The method getAsString() must convert from objeto for String.

Answering your main question, when implementing Converter you only need to apply the conversion logic to the methods.

  • Show, thank you.

  • Cool: just a hint... take into account that these classes can swell your projects, so I advise you to separate them into separate packages. In the demos of Primefaces you have some cool examples., go to

  • My entities stay in the Model, where Converters should stay ?

  • Man, it depends. I usually put them in sub-packages from where my Beans are, but see how best would be understanding your Project.

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